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Hey, I'm Kendyl.

I'm a career-quitting, budget travel hacking, economy queen currently traveling around the world for a fraction of the price you probably would expect. 

I grew up in a family who considered vacations, "for rich people." It wasn’t until 2013 in college when I studied abroad that I realized how small my world literally was. Since 2013, I’ve explored 23 new countries on a shoestring budget. I’m not a full-time wanderer but I am a full-time wanderluster who aspires to end the concept of vacation days.

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“Kendyl was great to talk to and so helpful with trying to figure out which cards made the most sense for our family. She went above and beyond just cards and really took time to understand our goals.”


“Kendyl is very thorough when creating a plan to meet your travel goals. She gets to know your needs with a pre-meeting questionnaire and during the meeting, she answers all questions thoroughly. She explains the process in easy-to-understand and executable steps.”


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